Healing During Social Distancing
One of the most important aspects of our yoga practice is satsang - associating with like-minded individuals, seeking and living truth. Satstang is especially powerful during times of transition, stress and healing. Although our ability to come together as a group is limited at this time, there are still ways we can support each other and continue our practice.
Below you will find options for alternative yoga instruction that I and the yoga studios I am affiliated with are offering. Hopefully you will find something here that works for you. I am also open to feedback and working together to develop additional opportunities with you. You can write me directly or use the contact form at the bottom of this page.
Each day brings us to a different point in this unfamiliar journey. We will adapt mindfully, looking out for each other along the way.
sarve bhavantu sukinah sarve santu niramayah sarve bhadrani pashyantu ma kashchid duhka-bhag bhavet
May all be happy. May all be free from sickness. May all look to the good of others. May none suffer from sorrow.
- Vedic prayer
Please get in touch to book a private yoga class or learn more about available offerings. Mahalo!